Skipness Castle
So you’ve had a wonderful meal at the Seafood Cabin – probably the Seafood Platter and now you’re ready for a bit of exploring. You don’t have to go far to discover the fascinating history of Skipness Castle and marvel at its world class location; it’s a stone’s throw from the seafood cabin and open to everyone.
The Castle with Kilbrannan Sound and Arran in the distance
Skipness Castle dates to the early 1200s and was built by Clan MacSween.
It was rebuilt several times over three different centuries, and as such it offers a snapshot of the variation in form of Scottish castle architecture between the 1200s and 1500s.
The original MacSween castle consisted of a modest two-storey hall-house and a chapel, dedicated to St Columba
Skipness was the MacSweens’ secondary residence. Their chief seat was at Castle Sween which was built before 1200 and is today one of the oldest stone castles in Scotland. They also built the hall-house castle at Lochranza on Arran. Skipness and Lochranza flank the Kilbrannan Sound and thus MacSween interests were protected.
Looking through a gate in the castle walls
Norway ruled Argyll in the 1200s, but the Norse’s days here were drawing to a close – and the MacSweens, who backed Norway, were forced out.
By the end of the century, the MacDonalds had control of Skipness. Scotland and England were locked into the Wars of Independence, and the MacDonalds initially backed England.
The MacDonalds rebuilt Skipness as a formidable stronghold in about 1300, possibly with English support. Their works included the construction of the new chapel by the shore, which is surprisingly well-preserved, the incorporation of the chapel and hall house into an impressive residence and the construction of a stone curtain wall to enclose the new buildings, bristling with arrow slits and topped with a notched parapet wall
The MacDonalds held Skipness until their downfall in 1493, and in 1502 it was granted to the Campbell Earls of Argyll.
The Campbell’s completed the conversion of the buildings to a tower house. They heightened the tower and removed courtyard buildings to leave it free-standing on its south side.
Door guarding the Tower
When Skipness passed into the hands of the Earls of Argyll in 1503 they received a building which had changes little in 200 years. To bring the castle up to a 16th century standard of living the Campbells constructed a main, square tower which you can explore today. Rising out of one corner of the older buildings this three storied building was a new addition.
This tower continued to be lived in until well into the 19th century.
A typical Doorway
Its a real priviledge to be able to wander around the castle area, climb the stairs to the ‘new’ tower and explore the myriad of dark rooms. There are plently of information boards to explain what is going in.
The main thing is to wonder that this building has stood for nearly 1000 years.