Red Squirrels
There is nothing more exciting than spotting a red squirrel going about its business. It is breathtaking to watch them take a running leap and seem to fly from one branch to another.
On the wall at Loch Riddon Bothy
They are such gorgeous, tiny creatures with their tufted ears, a bushy tail that often circles like a windmill to help with balance. The way they can sit up on their back legs to have a good look at something or to hold a nut, berry or pinecone in its front paws is fascinating.
At Loch Riddon Bothy it is possible to see red squirrels scampering high up in the trees or lower down playing chasing games round and round a tree trunk. All this is much easier to see in winter or early spring before the leaves obscure the view.
The squirrels are drawn to the bird feeders and always go for the peanut feeders. Its amazing to see them shimmy up the narrow metal pole and then reach out for the feeder, usually head down. In this position you get a clear look at the glossy red fur, often darkening to black on some individuals and the pristine white of his tummy.
They have incredibly strong and sharp teeth and have bitten right through the wire mesh on one of the feeders. My brother, also a keen squirrel observer made us a special squirrel feeder from wood and an old Hellman’s jar. The squirrels love it as do the local small birds and field mice.
No wonder the red squirrel is one of Scotland’s most popular creatures and considered to be one of Scotland’s Big 5. Perhaps 120,000 animals live here: that’s more than three-quarters of all the red squirrels in the United Kingdom.