Colintraive Community Garden
Although a tiny village of around 150 people, Colintraive boasts its very own Community Garden.
View of the garden in summer
The area where the garden is now had become derelict and overgrown and a group of determined people put money, time and effort into creating what stands there today. It involved some serious earth moving, creating a pond from the former mill lade, fences were constructed and paths laid. The Beechgrove Garden (BBC TV) helped with the design and later with the planting. The Garden was formally opened in August 2003.
The garden has matured with additions continually being made. Just this year two new trees were planted, one to commemorate the 2022 Jubilee.
Near the Garden Entrance looking down to the Milton Burn
There are various routes around the garden which are mainly wheelchair friendly. The path from the main entrance skirts the Milton Burn and then swings round giving a choice of two paths. The first crosses the bog garden and heads for the terrace and the pond.
The Pond
Planting in this area includes acer, assorted azaleas, viburnum and cotoneaster all underplanted with ground cover plants. The pond margins include areas of bog to encourage wildlife and in the spring frogspawn is in abundance.
Planting near the pond
The second option is to cross a red bridge to explore the top of the garden. Off to the left a little path takes you to a metal gate with a walkway to a viewing platform. Here you can get a clear idea of the force of the water as it cascades down the steep rocks. Further down some of this water is channeled into the garden, under the bridge and into the pond.
Milton Burn Waterfall from the Viewing Platform
At the highest point of the garden is a grassy area with children’s play house and sandpit.
The Children’s Area
There are regular Community Work Parties to keep the garden in order. These are lovely afternoons with lots of chat and hard work and then a tea break with homemade cake. If you find yourself in the village on a Work Party day do please join in – we’d love to have you!
Weeding during a Garden Work Party